All the good times came crashing down in 2020.
Every entrepreneur has a down and out story.
And our story isn’t very much different from many other entrepreneurs over the last few years.
- January 2020: A partnership imploded a multiple 7-figure a year revenue stream in an instant. All revenue stopped, but the overhead didn’t.
- February 2020: Facebook Ads permanently shut down (with no explanation) cutting off our primary lead source. We were spending 6–figures a month on advertising.
- March 2020: Well, we all know what happened there. Real Advisors was a live seminar event company. It all ended as nationwide shut downs started and continued through the pandemic.
Instantly, refunds started rushing in, overhead, payroll for our large staff, and all other expenses continued.
With no product, and no way to advertise, we were faced with shutting down our business.
We felt like all hope was lost.