Get More Leads And Sales Consistently Without Facebook Ads, Youtube Ads, Affiliate Partners or Sending Emails.
Discover how to grow your business with real social followers...  
Schedule Your Discovery Call With Brian Hanson and the Real Agency Team.
  • REAL Targeted Followers: No fake traffic. No bots. No incentivized followers. You get real followers who match your ideal target avatar for best prospects. Plus, your followers are raving fans who know, like, and trust you more because they consume content.
  • ​Scalable Growth. Increase your business quickly every month. Build a list of prospects who want to follow you and do business with you. No ad account shut downs. No ad policy reviews. Consistent and scalable.
  • ​Measurable ROI. Not just clout. Track your scales directly from your social media efforts. 
"I know I was skeptical of your approach from the beginning, but I would like to humbly say that boy was I wrong!! You have come up with such a brilliant, innovative way to reach our customers and I'm so grateful for you taking us on as a client." - Dow Janes
1. No fluff. Brass tacks. Is this right for you.

If you're an advertiser, product creator, coach, consultant, or service provider looking for more leads from the open market places - chances are we can help. If you're spending media on facebook or youtube, depending on affiliates, we can scale your current results. 

We are confident we can help those we can help. If not, we'll let you know. We can't work with everyone and we're not a fit for everyone. And that's OK.

We'll get right into the call to see if our Instagram Growth system is right for you. If it's a fit, we'll get into a game plan and agree if it's right to move forward.

If not, that's cool, we're part as friends and hopefully delivered you value in our time together.

2. Direct Information From Current Results.

Real Agency is not just an agency. I currently also run my own 7-figure coaching and product publishing company. Real Advisors has been honored by Inc Magazine in 2019, 2020, and 2021 as one of America's fastest growing private companies. 

In 2021 especially - those results are a direct result from our growth on Instagram.

I say this to say, Real Agency just doesn't manage clients budget, but I have put in millions of dollars of my own money in this very same strategy to grow a high successful coaching and product business of my own.

What we do works, and has worked again and again for the right clients.

3. A Clear Game Plan To Scale

At the end of the call, should we choose to work together - you'll leave with a clear plan on what to do next to scale your business on Instagram. 

If you're currently spending on other channels - we can show immediate growth and ROI in markets we serve.

I'm so confident in our strategy and system I don't hold you to contracts or committments. I let results talk.

Schedule Your Discovery Call With Brian Hanson and the Real Agency Team.
  • REAL Targeted Followers: No fake traffic. No bots. No incentivized followers. You get real followers who match your ideal target avatar for best prospects. Plus, your followers are raving fans who know, like, and trust you more because they consume content.
  • ​Scalable Growth. Increase your business quickly every month. Build a list of prospects who want to follow you and do business with you. No ad account shut downs. No ad policy reviews. Consistent and scalable.
  • ​Measurable ROI. Not just clout. Track your scales directly from your social media efforts. 

My name is Brian Hanson, co-founder and CEO of Real Agency.

I’ve been an online direct response marketer since the early 2000s. I’ve grown several multi-million dollar businesses. 

And my most recent company I co-founded, Real Advisors, was honored 3 years in a row by Inc Magazine as one of the fast growing private companies in the country.

That Was Until This Discovery Opened The Doors To A Cheaper, Fastest, More Profitable Source For Leads and Sales…

All the good times came crashing down in 2020.

Every entrepreneur has a down and out story.

And our story isn’t very much different from many other entrepreneurs over the last few years.

- January 2020: A partnership imploded a multiple 7-figure a year revenue stream in an instant. All revenue stopped, but the overhead didn’t.

- February 2020: Facebook Ads permanently shut down (with no explanation) cutting off our primary lead source. We were spending 6–figures a month on advertising.

- March 2020: Well, we all know what happened there. Real Advisors was a live seminar event company. It all ended as nationwide shut downs started and continued through the pandemic.

Instantly, refunds started rushing in, overhead, payroll for our large staff, and all other expenses continued.

With no product, and no way to advertise, we were faced with shutting down our business.

We felt like all hope was lost.